Volkmar Arnulf pays attention to details. Every great tailor does that but Mr Arnulf appears to have a particular objective approach. He is a systematic craftsman, not an artist with dominating ego and opinion. I like that. Real dialog is possible. At the third fitting, we start with the trousers. They have to be taken ...
There are no signs of sleeves and trousers. Volkmar Arnulf has prepared the double breasted jacket body, nothing more, for the initial basted fitting. That’s how he does it, I understand. Focus is on fit of chest, waist, back, collar and balance of the jacket. Components like pockets, vents, collar, and lapels are up for ...
Berlin tailor Volkmar Arnulf, now based in Potsdam, handed me a short paper on fashion in bespoke tailoring, or “Maßschneidermode” in German, when I visited him last time. The paper is interesting for what it contains but also because it is a real tailor, Volkmar Arnulf, who has produced it. Few tailors have an almost ...
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