Church music poured out, when a lady, which turned out to be the daughter of the maestro, opened the door. The music created a devout atmosphere. It also made an impact seeing a calm Pasquale Maugeri seated in a wheel chair in a beautiful apartment, which constitutes the workshop. Mr Maugeri embodies the old story of ...
As I enter the old workshop of Michele Mescia in a second floor apartment in central Turin, the tour starts immediately. Carmela from Carmiceria Carmen has phoned to tell that he could expect me shortly, so my knocking on the door comes as no surprise. Michele Mescia brings me vigorously from one evocative room to another and ...
Domenico Oddo lives in Ventimiglia on the Italian Riviera. I know, because I visited him recently. His customers are in Monte Carlo, mainly. “Englishmen,” he said to me. He travels twice a month to the old gambling city. It reminded me that Germans and Frenchmen called the first dinner jacket from the 1880s “a Monte ...
I’ve had difficult time locating bespoke tailor Guglielmo Rofena in the old city center of Milan. Somehow street names haven’t corresponded to my maps. In summer I gave up. This time I was about to give up again, and I was on my way back to Stazione Centrale, when I found myself walking on Via ...
“Dear Torsten, My name is Fabio. You have met my father in June 2010. He is the tailor, whose workshop you visited in Florence. In December my father has decided to retire and therefore to close his business. I would like to keep the memory of his work alive […] I was wondering if you ...
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