More than 50 % off the price
When closing the webshop in 2017 I kept some lengths of very fine vintage fabrics. I wanted to have them made up over time.
I’ve come to realise that I have too much, simply. So I’ve decided to put a batch on sale. Jacketings were 2.100-2.200 DKK, and suitings 3.300-3.500 DKK.
Now I sell a length of jacketing at 1.000 DKK (approx. 118 £, 150 $ or 134 Euro), and a length of suiting for a 2-piece at 1.500 DKK excl. shipping. Almost all lengths are single lengths. When they are gone, they are gone. First come, first served.
Jacket lengths are 2.10-2.20 m, suit lengths are 3.30-3.50 m.
I’ve selected all fabrics, carefully. They are from Zegna, Botto and other venerable Italian merchants and mills. Some fabrics have been woven in England.
Summer jacketings
Summer jacketings have a hard twist body that you cannot come about today. They are very resistant to creasing, and you cannot wear them out. Your tailor can use his heavy iron on them. He will love them.
The bold patterns have a distinctive old school touch to them, and you cannot find anything today on the market that replicate them fully.
Tweed jacketing

14. Merchant: Vitale Barberis Canonico. Weight: 300 g/m. Very darkblue hopsack twist weave. Year: 1980s – SOLD!
Blazer jacketing
How to order
Write to specifying your order and address. I will calculate shipping for your country. Wire to PayPal afterwards.