Would an Anderson & Sheppard jacket from 1930 be closer in construction and style to an Anderson & Sheppard jacket of 2014 than to a Huntsman jacket of 1930? I bet it would be closer to the latter. People tend to make a cut like drape permanent, although it is moulded by time like all other productions founded in culture.
Likewise, a Fresco cloth of 1910 will be very different from a Fresco cloth in 2014. Just a take a Fresco cloth from 1980. It is not like a Fresco of today at all. The 1980 Fresco cloth fits my imagination of Fresco cloth better: it is stiff, coarse, and a true open weave. I base my conclusion on the cloth above. It is a vintage fresco from around 1980. Volkmar Arnulf is making it up.
Source: The Journal of Style