I spent a week in Oxford and London. Savile Row Bespoke Suits One afternoon I went down Savile Row. I was lucky to meet two of the leading men there, Simon Cundey of Henry Poole, and Joe Morgan of Chittleborough & Morgan. Simon Cundey was waiting for cab that should take him to an evening ...
A classic Savile Row suit. That should be the proper expression for the finished bespoke suit I ordered with Malcolm Plews. It has a strong swelled chest, roped shoulders with firm thin shoulder pads, and a long flared skirt. There is nothing skimpy about it. Trousers have deep pleats. The fit of a classic Savile ...
Malcolm Plews doesn’t work on Savile Row any longer. You will find him at Meyer & Mortimer’s at nearby Sackville Street. However, if you ask a Savile Row cutter, who is the best Savile Row cutter today, chances are great they will name Malcolm Plews, perhaps together with Edward Sexton, who neither is on Savile ...
Another trip to London. Another walk down Savile Row. This time around I said hello to Huntsman, Maurice Sedwell, and Kathryn Sargent, and then I dropped by Benson and Clegg in Princess Arcade. Maurice Sedwell and The Savile Row Academy Maurice Sedwell on Savile Row 19 is not only a well-established house on Savile Row. In 2008, ...
Meeting Malcolm Plews again. Basted fitting, the first fitting of a bespoke suit. I have encountered tailors, who start with a muslin fitting. However, that is unusual, and those who do it will be tailors, who have trained in a women’s tailor shop mostly, where the use of muslin fabric is common. Traditional tailors who make ...
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