When you cannot imagine more suits or sport coats you would like to order at the tailor, you turn to overcoats. A new field surfaces. You realize there’s a huge variation in men’s overcoats. The navy blue and charcoal species are just the beginning.
Trends in Pitti Uomo overcoats
Pitti Uomo is a good place to look for inspiration. Both on people, who attend the fair, and on dummies at the stands you can notice interesting fabrics, cuts and design details. In regard to fashion trends, which of course are of minor importance, though nonetheless of value to follow, you see a lot of overcoats in urbanized tweed, that is shepherd’s check, dogtooth and the like in subdued shades. The influence of military attire is also present in overcoats. The British Warm in particular has an impact at the moment.
Overcoat Storm coming in from Pitti Uomo

Pitti Uomo overcoats from Luciano Barbera. For smart casual attire.
Photography: Sartorial Notes
These pictures illustrate perfectly that an overcoat should at least go down to your knees. I dislike short overcoats for winter. They bring an imbalance to any outifit and shorten a person’s silhouette while never keeping one warm.
On another note, were you invited to Simon Crompton’s talk about retail? If so, what’s your verdict on it?
I agree. Besides pea-coats overcoats are usually best in knee length or longer.
I didn’t attend Simon’s event.