It does not help to rage against it, for it is the cut that young people want: the short jacket, the short tight pants, full beard.
One can rejoice that many still have an awareness of history. The two Swedes above know the rules, obviously, but choose to interpret them freely.
Take the fellow on the left. He wears a light brown tweed jacket, light blue shirt, a tie, handkerchief, grey chinos and brown goodyear-made shoes. It is by the book in a certain way. Cut and materials, on the other hand, are very fashionable.
The one on the right also makes use of a classical configuration. He wears a double breasted short chesterfield, a tie and sturdy leather shoes. The gingham plaid shirt is also a classic garment (and very Swedish!). The short tight trousers, in turn, reflect fashion.
Source: The Journal of Style in Florence
It’s a little bit dull. So many follows fashion, so few have their own unique style. Especially in Sweden, where we always want consensus, and we can’t follow more then one trend at the time.So now all young men wants to look like the gentlemen above. Yawn!