Annals attribute the costume splendor of the Luchino Visconti movie The Leopard to the Italian designers and tailors Piero Tosi and Umberto Tirelli. In that perspective the photos of Burt Lancaster being fitted for an evening dress at the tailor in connection with the The Leopard become a little intriguing, since the tailor in the photo is neither Piero Tosi nor Umberto Tirelli. Best guess, I suppose, is that the tailor is a tailor employed by Tosi or Tirelli.
However, the tailor might be a local Sicilian tailor. Visconti recorded large parts of the movie in Palermo, and perhaps he and his costume designers found it convenient to use a good local tailor for Burt Lancaster’s wardrobe. The answer to this little mystery could lie in discovering the names of the two gentlemen supervising the fitting .
Umberto Tirelli dressing Claudia Cardinale for her role in The Leopard.
The tailor at work with Lancaster is not Tosi or Tirelli,but Farè.
The Farè & figli was a renowned firm of Rome,founded in XIX century and specialized in court dress for the Pope and Savoia coutrs,cerimonial dress for Ambassadors,military uniforms (was supplier of the King of Italy).
In 60s Farè was the maximum expert in froack coats,cutaway and full evening dress,able to cut these garnments in the fashion of 1860.
Visconti ordered the costumes of main males actors to Farè.